Din cauza copilariei nefericite pe care a avut-o alaturi de mama sa care il maltrata si il hartuia, Jack Reiley este acum un criminal in serie. Si ca toti criminalii de acest gen, el are propriile particularitati: omoara familii intregi, numai in noptile furtunoase, si isi aseaza victimele in pozitia unor manechine, dupa ce in prealabil sta ascuns in beciul casei cateva zile pentru a tatona, de aceea el este cunoscut de autoritati ca “Jack din beci”La 17 ani el isi omoara mama, dupa care mai omoare 4 familii, printre care si pe cea a lui Karen, o tanara adolescenta, care reuseste sa scape. In urma faptelor sale acesta este internat intr-un spital de boli mintale timp de 10 ani. Dupa acesti ani el revine in scena reluandu-si activitatile de criminal, dar mai ales urmarind-o pe Karen, tanara pe care nu a putut sa o omoare in urma cu 10 ani impreuna cu restul familiei ei.Aceasta la randul ei este constienta de pericolul care o pandeste, cunoscandu-i foarte bine profilul criminal al lui Reiley pe care l-a studiat in amanunt. Astfel Karen nu se lasa vanata atat de usor, ci are propriile ei planuri de razbunare.
- Titlu: Basement Jack
- Data lansare (SUA): 17 Noiembrie 2009
- Buget: 1,000,000 $
- Site oficial: Basement Jack
17 decembrie 2019 la 23:20
English was almost always reserved for more cognitive tasks. Tagalog is for the deepest emotions - love, rage, sorrow. But since 2013, when I started writing my thesis - obviously written entirely in English, I felt as much as I thought. I wrote that thesis in a lot of pain. I used to cry. In 2018, as I meditate on a paper I intend to submit soon, I cry. I wanted to ask the people in the room last Friday, if any of them ever cried while writing?
I don't know how I can get to be more like my mother. She is, borrowing from the wise words of D, the hero in her story. The chips have long been down, but my mother has no patience to indulge in self-pity. She has accomplished much in her lifetime, but I have a feeling her strong sense of self, has come from when she was very young. She has no qualms about holding court, when need be, no hesitance to be the centre of attention. I have been told otherwise, I suppose I can't help that I have presence, but I never like being the centre of attention. At least, not when I am teaching.